Battlefield Secret Weapons Of Ww2 Download Torrent

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By Pauline Clay |

In beginning the Battlefield 1942: Secret Weapons of WWII review, we'll skip the usual 'Battlefield is so great because...' spiel. By now, any one who reads the site has to know how captivated we've been with this series. Offering an excitement and accessibility that few titles can even approach, it's as sophisticated and versatile as a shooter can get. Wait, I thought we said we were going to skip that bit. Oh well, with a title this good, it's hard not to gush at every opportunity we get.

It's hard then to offer any real substantial changes to the core gameplay without risking a serious change in focus. The previous expansion Road to Rome was merely content to add a few new forces and a handful of new features. In that regard, it's much closer to the true spirit of Battlefield 1942 than the current expansion.

Secret Weapons of WWII, while based in historical equipment and encounters, nevertheless offers up a steroid-enhanced version of the regular game with plenty of new weapons that were on the cutting edge of technology (or merely on the drawing board) at the close of the Second World War. For some players, myself included, this extra touch of Hollywood seems a bit out of place relative to the previous games. Still, the fundamentals which so captivated us previously are strongly represented here and the speculative nature of the new vehicles is hardly a reason to criticize the game. Confused by the seeming contradiction? Perhaps we should consider the alternative.

At this point the developers have two options. First, the could merely continue to expand the theaters and forces available to the player keeping them in line with the unique brand of historically-based cinematic realism that makes the title so engaging. But since this is an action game the average Battlefield player would tend to want more than just extra units. I mean, it's not like most action gamers are cut from the same cloth as Advanced Squad Leader fans -- the same folks who'd pluck down an extra eighty bucks just for the Finnish armies chits. Although to be honest, it might be cool to see the Finns hold back the Russian advances armed only with skis and a love of Jean Sibelius.

The other route to take would be to capitalize and expand upon the cinematic aspects of the game. This is more of the XFL approach, where the basic components of the game are taken to new levels of excitement at odds with the historical realities of the war. Hence the jet fighters, jet packs and other 'what if?' inspired additions. And when you consider that people tend to prefer playing things that are fun rather than things that are historically accurate, the new direction isn't all that surprising.

The reason that it all works is that the new super weapons are brilliantly incorporated in to the gameplay. What's more, they're surprisingly well balanced at least when taken as a group. On the speedy side, you have two motorcycles with machine-gun equipped sidecars for all your drive-by shooting pleasure. The big tanks, the Allied T-95 and German Sturmtigers, are well protected and heavily armed but are balanced by low speed and limited turret tracking. Trying to line up a shot on a moving target is a lot like parallel parking here in San Francisco: turn the wheel, inch forward, turn it back, inch backward, repeat as necessary. The new Sherman tank, equipped with a row of rocket launchers, happily borrowed from the Russian T-34, can lay down a massive amount of destruction in a fairly short time but is limited in terms of ammo and turning ability. One of my favorite new vehicles is the Flakpanzer. Mounting air-defense cannons on a tank, the Germans can chew through any plane in sight and can even tear up the game's more rugged armored vehicles. Since the gunner's head sticks up through the top of the turret, you need to make sure you have adequate infantry support.

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